Wednesday 18 March 2015

Rotten year so far.

This year didn't get off to a very good start as my elder brother was ill for the whole of January. I cannot ever remember him being that bad before. The worse I'd seen him was when he had food poisoning. He was poorly for three days, if he gets a cold he shrugs it off in a few days. Never has a flu jab, never goes to doctors and this time he couldn't have got to the doctors if he tried. Well pleased he has fully recovered, back to eating and his old self. Then on 20th February my other son-in-law died from brain cancer, just like my other son-in-law who died last September.
Yesterday this was how my son ended up, in the trauma unit at St. Marys, Paddington after a three car rta. Phillip being in the middle got the worst of it ending side on down a ditch. Air bags didn't explode so hit his head on side window. Thank God no broken bones. Severe concussion, badly shaken up and in terrible pain from all the jarring. Phillip hates hospital after bad experiences when younger and wanted to come home. Once his memory returned and his ops were ok he was allowed home with instructions to rest both body and mind. They said his brain had been badly shaken and needed rest, no computers,etc. Car write off! - company car. Thank goodness he has a lovely wife who will ensure he does just that! Love you both.

1 comment:

  1. OH My God Sylvie, I hope that everything is OK now and that he behaves himself at home. I suspect that Norma Jean may have to sit on him to get him to do as he is told lol. xx
